National (FL) – Commemoration of the Battle of Thomas Creek
March 29 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
The Annual Commemoration of the SAR National Color Guard Battle of Thomas Creek
Saturday 10:00 AM, March 29, 2025 in Jacksonville, Florida*
Please join the Florida Society SAR, DAR and C.A.R. as we commemorate the 248th anniversary of the Battle of Thomas Creek (the Southernmost Battle of the American Revolutionary War). The ceremony will be held at Seaton Creek Historic Preserve Park at 10:00 AM. If placing a wreath and/or participating in the color guard, please arrive no later than 9:30AM to register your wreath.
The park is located off I-95 at Exit 366 then head west 2.5 miles on Pecan Park Rd. to 2145 Gold Star Family Parkway /Arnold Rd. that accesses the Jacksonville National Cemetery and Lem Turner Road US#1).
We will have a social and orientation meeting Friday evening at 5:30PM on March 28th at the Long Horn Steak House, 1366 Airport Rd, Jacksonville, FL 32218 Both the Hampton Inn and the Marriott, Spring Hill Suites are in this same complex, as well as a number of other hotels in the area. Organizations and participants will be announced during the ceremony.
We are again honored to have our intriguing Compatriotic speaker Dr. Roger Smith of Colonial Research Associates, Inc. and our Patriotic Choral Group “Let Freedom Sing” plus various Patriotic and Civic Organizations. We are especially honored this year to have our friend and our South Atlantic District, NSSAR Vice President General from GA Scott Collins, who will be bringing greetings from our National Society SAR. We are also honored to have our FLSSAR President James Gaskins bringing greeting and Florida DAR State Regent Elect Kim Zeman, for State
Regent Cindy Addison.
To assure your organization’s recognition and to receive a flag streamer, please complete the following by February 15, 2025 and forward to:
David H. Ramseur, 3733 River Hall Drive, Jacksonville, FL 32217
(904)-502-4819; DavidRamseur12@gmail.com
Society Name: ___________________________________________________________
Chapter or Organization Name: ______________________________________________
Will present Wreath: Yes No
Wreath Dedicated to:
Presenter (s) Name (s): and Title
Will bring SAR flag for the Color Guard? Yes No
Number of members from your group: ___ In Uniform /Militia/ Colonial Dress ____
Email: ________________________________Cell phone#__________________________
*Inclement weather site: Motel Mtg. Room, 1351 Airport Rd., Jacksonville, FL