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    Matches 1 to 40 of 40

     #  Source ID   Title, Author   Tree 
    1 S37 Pension W11072
    Georgia Revolutionary War Graves 
    2 S9 Abstracts of Graves of Revolutionary Patriots, Reported to DAR 1954
    Georgia Revolutionary War Graves 
    3 S7 Abstracts of Some Revolutionary War Pensions
    Georgia Revolutionary War Graves 
    4 S12 Annals of Uper Georgia Centered in Gilmer County
    Georgia Revolutionary War Graves 
    5 S23 Appleton's Cyclopedia of American Biography­
    Fiske, John & Wilson, James G., Ed 
    Georgia Revolutionary War Graves 
    6 S19 Augusta Chronicle and Georgia Advertiser
    Georgia Revolutionary War Graves 
    7 S33 Biographical Directory of the United States Congress
    Georgia Revolutionary War Graves 
    8 S8 Cemetery Records of Union County, Georgia
    Georgia Revolutionary War Graves 
    9 S1 DAR Historian General Card File
    Georgia Revolutionary War Graves 
    10 S10 DAR Magazine
    Georgia Revolutionary War Graves 
    11 S2 DAR Patriot Index
    Georgia Revolutionary War Graves 
    12 S35 DAR Record Copy #621128 Evelyn L. Collins
    Georgia Revolutionary War Graves 
    13 S20 Dubose Genealogy
    MacDowell, Dorothy Kelly 
    Georgia Revolutionary War Graves 
    14 S15 Facets of Fannin: A History of Fannin County, Georgia
    Georgia Revolutionary War Graves 
    15 S27 Gaspee Virtual Archives
    Georgia Revolutionary War Graves 
    16 S3 Genealogical Abstracts of Revolutionary War Pension Files
    Georgia Revolutionary War Graves 
    17 S17 Georgia Revolutionary Soldiers & Sailors, Patriots & Pioneers
    Arnold, Ross & Burnham, Hank 
    Georgia Revolutionary War Graves 
    18 S40 Georgia Revolutionary Soldiers & Sailors, Patriots & Pioneers
    Ross Arnold & Hank Burnham 
    Georgia Revolutionary War Graves 
    19 S4 Georgia's Roster of the Revolution
    Georgia Revolutionary War Graves 
    20 S28 Giles County Tennessee GenWeb
    Georgia Revolutionary War Graves 
    21 S34 Governors Journal and Records
    State of Georgia 
    Georgia Revolutionary War Graves 
    22 S18 Graves of Revolutionary Soldiers in Georgia
    Georgia Revolutionary War Graves 
    23 S31 Hilley Cousins Website
    Georgia Revolutionary War Graves 
    24 S39 History of Harris County Georgia
    Helen Barfiled 
    Georgia Revolutionary War Graves 
    25 S29 James Callow Keller's Family Tree Project
    James Callow Keller 
    Georgia Revolutionary War Graves 
    26 S5 Mountain Relic: Book on Mountain History and Culture
    Georgia Revolutionary War Graves 
    27 S38 Pension application of David Carter S16335, transcribed and annotated by C. Leonard Harris, Franklin County, Georgia, October 11, 1832
    Georgia Revolutionary War Graves 
    28 S36 Pension File S32012 Shearod Thompson
    Georgia Revolutionary War Graves 
    29 S14 Record Copy Mary Francis (Greer) Douthit, NSDAR 87349
    Georgia Revolutionary War Graves 
    30 S16 Rejected or Suspended Application for Revolutionary War Pensions
    Georgia Revolutionary War Graves 
    31 S11 Roster of Revolutionary War Soldiers in Georgia
    Georgia Revolutionary War Graves 
    32 S6 Roster of Soldiers from North Carolina in the American Revolution
    Georgia Revolutionary War Graves 
    33 S21 Savannah Georgian
    Georgia Revolutionary War Graves 
    34 S13 The Gilmer County Area of Georgia: 200 Years Ago
    Georgia Revolutionary War Graves 
    35 S32 The History of Georgia, Volume II
    Georgia Revolutionary War Graves 
    36 S26 US Marshals Web Site
    Georgia Revolutionary War Graves 
    37 S30 William Ferguson Grave Dedication - Article
    Access North Georgia 
    Georgia Revolutionary War Graves 
    38 S22 ­A Short History of Georgia­
    Coulter, E. Merton 
    Georgia Revolutionary War Graves 
    39 S24 ­The History of Georgia­
    Jones, Charles C 
    Georgia Revolutionary War Graves 
    40 S25 ­The History of Georgia­. Vol. II
    McCall, Hugh 
    Georgia Revolutionary War Graves