1944 - 2019 (74 years)
Notes |
- Compatriot Gary Randall Smith descended from Revolutionary War Patriot James Graham who was a Militia Captain in Greenbrier County, Virginia. Compatriot Smith lineage was verified by the National Society Sons of the Amrican Revolution on November 13, 2014 with National #192909 for his Atlanta Chapter SAR membership in the Georgia Society of the Sons of the American Revolution.
- The Emory University Emeritus College Newsletter, Vol. 5, Issue 17, May 19, 2019, provided the following article with a photogaph:
Gary Smith died April 17 after a two-year battle with cancer. He is survived by his wife, Janie, and son, George (ELS '09). Gary Smith received his BA in 1967 and JD in 1969 from the University of Kentucky and his LLM in 1970 from New York University. Before becoming an Emory faculty member in 1972, he practiced in Atlanta with Powell, Goldstein, Frazer & Murphy. At Emory Law, he taught classes in torts, evidence, medical malpractice litigation, workers' compensation, and specialized interdisciplinary courses in law and medicine. He was appointed Professor Emeritus in 2009.
- In the September 2019 Newsletter of the Druid Hill Civic Association, a full page article about Gary Randall Smith was published detailing his Past President leadership and Civic Association accomplishments.
- His wife, Janie, is a member of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution.
- Compatriot Smith lineage was verified by the National Society Sons of the Amrican Revolution on November 13, 2014 with National #192909 for his Atlanta Chapter SAR membership in the Georgia Society of the Sons of the American Revolution. Captain James Graham, who served in a Militia Company in Greenbrier County, Virginia. Patriot James Graham was born 1/3/1741 in Augusta County, Virginia, and died 1/13/1813 in Monroe County, Virginia. During the America Revolution, Patriot James Graham provided both civil service leadership, as well as, active military service in Greenbrier County, Virginia. This Patriot's information is found on both the NSSAR webpage, SAR Patriot #P-168851, & NSDAR webpage, DAR Ancestor #A131885
- Compatriot Gary R. Smith's ancestor, Patriot James Graham, died in 1813 before Congress passed the Revolutionary War Pension Act of 1818.
- Compatriot Smith's Grave was marked by the Atlanta Chapter GA SAR.