North on GA 77 from Elberton, GA to GA - Hwy 368. Turn right onto Hwy 368 and travel 5.6 miles Immediately next to John Lee residence at address 2793. and then in a clump of trees toward the Cold Water Creek Bridge. Turn left in access driveway after passing open field before Coldwater Creek Bridge (near top of hill). Latitude: N34 deg 12.664 minut, Longitude: W82 degrees 48.159 m
Thumb | Description | Status | Location | Name (Died/Buried) |
Beck, John 637 ft elevation. N34 deg 12.664 minutes. W82 degrees 48.159 minutes |
Located |
Capt. John Beck (d. 11 Jul 1824)
Wansley, John Sr. 637 ft elevation. N34 deg 12.664 minutes. W82 degrees 48.159 minutes |
Located |
John Wansley, Sr. (d. 13 Jan 1835)