338 Helen Zachary Rd Cullowhee, Jackson County,NC
From Franklin, NC take US Hwy 23 north about 7.5 miles turn right onto Hwy 116 (Webster Road ) when Hwy 116 slows to 35 mph it will turn a 90 degree left turn…take this turn and then turn immediately right onto South River Rd. take South River Rd. until it deed ends into Hwy 107…Turne right onto Hwy 107 go 6 miles and turn left onto Helen Zachary Rd. go one quarter of a mile to the Church. Look across the street from the church there is a driveway that goes to a house…go this drive way and take to left fork of this driveway up the hill and into the cemetery. Latitude: 35.30398, Longitude: 083.15058