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     Altavista Cemetery, Gainesville, Hall, Georgia, USA


    From Atlanta: From I-85 North to I-985. Take Exit #20 and go left at the bottom of the ramp onto Queen City Parkway (GA 60). Drive in about a mile. A block or so past the Gainesville water tanks, there is a large intersection with Jesse Jewel Parkway. Turn left onto Jesse Jewel. About ½ of a mile, there will be a large grocery store, J&J Foods, on the left. Directly across
    the street on your right, just before the stoplight at Auburn Avenue is the main gate to Alta Vista Cemetery. Turn in, drive in about two streets. The Brown Family Plot (where Jordan Holcomb is buried) is over to your left about ¼ mile. The streets are convoluted and you have to wind your way over there. The plot is about 3 family plots north of the south boarder cemetery
    fence in the western wing of the cemetery.

    From Georgia 400: From GA 400 North take Exit 17. Turn right onto GA 306 (Keith Bridge Rd.) Turn slight right onto GA 369 which becomes Brown's Bridge Road/Jesse Jewel Parkway. Approximately fourteen miles later you will
    be in the City of Gainesville on Jesse Jewel Parkway. When you pass Pearl Nix Parkway, begin to look for the tall spiked wrought iron fence on your left and the J& J Foods grocery store on the right. Turn left into the wrought iron gate. Then follow the above directions.

    Cemetery Photos

       Thumb   Description 
    Holcombe, Jordan
    Holcombe, Jordan
    GPS: N 34 degrees 17.317", 083degrees 50.324", Elevation 1249