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    Dates and Anniversaries

    John "Jack" Campbell Millican

    Male 1937 - 2004  (66 years)


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    Millican, Jack (SAR with Marker view 1)

    GPS: 29° 38.578' N, 081° 38.520'

    Marked by Florida Society in conjunction with Piedmont Chapter, Georgia Society.

    Status: Located

    Owner of originalPiedmont Chapter, George Thurmond
    Date14 Oct 2006
    File namemillican_jack_sar1.jpg
    File Size98.55k
    Dimensions640 x 512
    Linked toJohn "Jack" Campbell Millican

    Westview Cemetery, Palatka, Putnam, Florida, USA

    Notes: Westview is located in the City of Palatka, on Crill Avenue (9th) and Osceola Street.

    Traveling south on I-95 - take exit 311, which is FL-207 toward Hastings/Palatka. (Aprox. 19.7 miles) Off FL-207 turn right onto US N/FL-20 (2.6 miles). After you get into the small city of Palatka turn left onto 9th St. (approx. 0.1 mile) and the Westview Cemetery will be on your left across the street from the Bert Hodge Post of the American Legion.

    Cemetery Photos

       Thumb   Description 
    1Millican, Jack (Marker view 1) Millican, Jack (Marker view 1)
    GPS: 29° 38.578' N, 081° 38.520'

    Marked by Florida Society in conjunction with Piedmont Chapter, Georgia Society. 
    2Millican, Jack (Marker view 2) Millican, Jack (Marker view 2)
    GPS: 29° 38.578' N, 081° 38.520'

    Marked by Florida Society in conjunction with Piedmont Chapter, Georgia Society. 
    3Millican, Jack (SAR and Family with marker) Millican, Jack (SAR and Family with marker)
    GPS: 29° 38.578' N, 081° 38.520'

    Marked by Florida Society in conjunction with Piedmont Chapter, Georgia Society. 
    4Millican, Jack (SAR with Marker view 1) Millican, Jack (SAR with Marker view 1)
    GPS: 29° 38.578' N, 081° 38.520'

    Marked by Florida Society in conjunction with Piedmont Chapter, Georgia Society. 
    5Millican, Jack (SAR with Marker view 2) Millican, Jack (SAR with Marker view 2)
    GPS: 29° 38.578' N, 081° 38.520'

    Marked by Florida Society in conjunction with Piedmont Chapter, Georgia Society. 

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