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    Dates and Anniversaries

    Peter Groover

    Male 1762 - 1841  (79 years)


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    Biography Peter Groover

    Peter Groover was born about 1762. The first known official record for him is his Revolutionary War record. In his application for pension (Pension Number S31717), Peter states that he was living in Orange County, North Carolina when he joined the Army of the United States. His first period of service was under Captain Trice, Major Armstrong, and General Gates, just before the battle of Camden, South Carolina. He next enlisted for another three months under Captain Johnson in the command of General Butler. Over the next three or four years, he continued to serve irregularly. However, his rank steadily increased from Private to Corporal, to Sergeant. His last enlistment, which lasted twelve months, was under Captain Donahoo, Major Armstrong, and Colonels Murphy, Dixon and General Green. During this time until the end of the war, Peter Groover served in the High Hills of Santee in South Carolina. By 1840, Peter was living in Cobb County, Georgia with his son Daniel. Peter Groover died 11 July 1841. His family buried him in Holly Springs Cemetery on Holly Springs Road, Cobb County, Georgia.

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