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Miscellaneous Events
Midway – 5 patriot grave marking
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National (FL) – Galvez Day – Battle of Pensacola
Save the date - no information available Event is currently being held on a Friday in the morning - Central time zone
National (SC) – Commemoration of the Battle of the Waxhaws (Buford’s Massacre)
Save the date On a Saturday normally at 10:30 AM
National (IN) – George Rogers Clark Commemoration
Save the date - Normally at 11:00 AM Vincennes, IN
National (MO) – Commemoration of the Battle of Fort San Carlos
Save the Date Ste. Genevieve, MO early afternoon event
National (DC) – National Memorial Day Parade
Save teh date - On the Monday of Memorial day normally at 2:00 PM start time
Memorial Day Events
Please support the SAR by participating in community events.
Memorial Day at Oconee Veterans Park Memorial
Save the date - event is on Monday of Memorial Day normally at 11:00 AM